We could talk about how the lingo has changed from Biblical times to now...from "being with child" to being "preggers". Instead, I would like to do a little flashback in history and discuss maternity wear.
Above is an old photograph of my mother holding me in 1963 and I think she is pregnant with my sister, Jill.
In 2011 pregnant bellies are publicly celebrated, accented, and displayed with form fitting fashions. That hasn't always been the style. Let's take a look at a 1944 Hollywood maternity pattern from Midvale Cottage. Look below at the measurements of a size 16! That is not the size 16 of today, is it?
Yes, it IS a maternity dress! I suppose it wasn't good taste to show an actual belly, so the ladies are sporting their pre-pregnancy figures, but the pattern explains how the dress can be let out and worn properly when expecting. Notice the little bunny print on the dress on the top left.
In the pattern below in fripperie's shop, the ladies seem almost disinterested in the little baby booties. Maybe they just don't know what to expect with babies. My Maw-Maw says it just wasn't spoken of and the word "pregnant" was not used.
The fifties seem to relax a little bit and one can at least imagine one's stomach growing underneath these wardrobe pieces. These Simplicity pattern women are so ecstatic to be pregnant as they have no morning sickness at all! The one on the bottom right either doesn't like plaid or is a nervous first time mommy.
Take a look at this great fifties maternity outfit!
Jumblelaya has this for sale in her Etsy Shop and the details are pretty amazing! Look at the rope trim. This dress still has its original tags and the brand is Expectantly Yours.
Winkeree has this:
It is a popular sixties pattern with a Jackie-O kind of influence. I think my mother had a dress like this when she was pregnant with one of us four girls. I don't think I've seen that many pictures of my mother pregnant AND she would have never posed for the belly shots that are par for the course today. It was just NOT the thing to do at that time!
Yours Lovely has another similar inspired pattern in her shop. The lady on the right is overcome with maternal hormones and hopes since the pattern was marked down from 20 cents to 10 cents, surely someone will give this style a try.
Along came the 1970's and there were still lots of dresses designed to camoflauge the growing tummy with the use of childlike prints or in the case below...pleats.
This dress is in my Etsy Shop. It is very sweet and innocent and roomy. I actually like all three of those attributes in my current wardrobe! lol!
The 1970s mod maternity dress below used the vertical stripes trick to divert attention away from the tummy. Big inverted pleat allows for lots of growing room.
So, there is a little tiny bit of maternity fashion history. As you probably know, it is very different today with stretchy form-fitting attire. I must admit it has taken me some getting accustomed to, although I'm quite use to it at this point.
The picture above is of me, 1981, pregnant and amongst family...I'm the one with the large swollen ankles in my loose maternity jumper that skimmed over the stomach!
I LOVED being blessed with each of my three pregnancies and was very happy to let everybody know I was pregnant. As an expectant mother in the eighties it was still the style to have little smock tops and such. I remember being frustrated the fabric was so little girl-ish, but that's the way it was. I don't remember people touching my stomach, and I didn't have a belly cast made because I never heard of one. I don't think I have any pictures of my naked stomach! I'm not sad about it either. Isn't it funny how things change over the years?